31 Wild Reasons to Date a Girl Who Smokes Weed

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What to do when your partner hates weed

Rapid-fire updates i. TL;DR if your post is longer than ish words about a half page. General discussion topics such as requests for stories, polls, general questions, etc. Moral Judgment Posts – See rule I 1 for what to do if your question resembles these:. Fetish deep-dives, e. Name calling, insults, or insensitive language details , regardless of who started it.

When I asked if he would date someone who was passionately opposed to a woman who hates that he smokes weed, so he does it in secret.

The subject who is truly loyal to the Chief Magistrate will neither advise nor submit to arbitrary measures. This article was published more than 10 years ago. Some information in it may no longer be current. I am a successful fiftysomething woman, in love with a fellow who tokes high-powered cannabis morning, noon and night. He’s always high and suffers from memory loss and emotional irregularity. He withdraws for days at a time if I so much as look at him in a way that suggests he has a deficiency his word not mine.

Otherwise he’s perfect!

He smokes pot every day

Asking your date if they want to smoke before you go into a restaurant or perhaps after you leave a bar can be a good litmus test to determine their attitude toward cannabis. If they respond yes, then you know they consume. You can ask the question in a joking way or in a more serious manner. This will give you some hints into how clued into cannabis culture they are. You might notice a bong on their living room coffee table or a pipe on their bed stand.

My partner of four years and I are both in our 30s. When we met, he admitted he liked to smoke marijuana, but he has recently started to smoke.

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for three years now, and living with him for half that time. We’re 26 and He’s a great conversationalist, a hard worker, and is very supportive. In general, we get along well, but lately there have been issues. He’s a daily marijuana smoker and always has been. It’s something I never liked, but I made the mistake of assuming he’d grow out of it with time. I try to meet him halfway and don’t think it’s fair to demand he stop something he really enjoys.

However, because I’m also his roommate, my opinion on the topic should carry some weight. I ask that he smoke outside and remind him that I don’t think it’s OK before work or a date. I catch him doing it repeatedly in the shower and occasionally in his car before work. This has lead to numerous fights and has put a real wedge in our relationship.

His response most recently is that I’m too controlling, and that I try to rush everything — marriage, cutting down on drinking, smoking, etc.

Navigating a relationship where one partner smokes marijuana

Smoking weed with a partner can be the best shared ritual. Lighting up and staying in to watch movies in bed is always a cozy and nice option for a Friday night; laughing about dumb stuff for far too long is a bonding exercise that’s probably scientifically on par with sex. Not to mention that actual sex while stoned is never disappointing.

But for couples who are mismatched in their habits, weed is a lot less chill—and a lot more complicated to navigate.

The facts are in and men who smoke weed make better boyfriends. the towel on this dating thing, just find yourself a guy that smokes weed.

Here are the 5 most common reasons why a woman break up with her boyfriend due to his use of pot:. Sometimes, smoking weed can make a man feel so relaxed and laid back, that he ends up not caring very much about progressing through the levels of life like other men. Alternatively, he does have big goals, but in reality, they are really just big dreams that he talks about, but never achieves. It makes me feel embarrassed around them that my life has turned out like this.

Is it possible that if you were more clearheaded, you would be sharper and be much more likely to succeed? Now is the time to go ahead and make progress towards fulfilling your goals, dreams and ambitions in life. The world really is your oyster and you can choose to do whatever you want and be whoever you want in this life. If you just want to smoke weed and run the risk of letting relationships pass you by, then go ahead and do that. Yet, if you want to have the best of both worlds where you can smoke occasionally, have a successful relationship and a successful life, then try to do things in moderation from now on.

Would you date someone who smokes weed?

Now that 23 states and DC have legalized weed, 4 of them for recreational use as well as medical, the debate about whether it enhances — or ruins — sex and relationships is raging hotter than ever. Can a couple survive when only one is a pothead? Does weed make sex mind-blowing or forgettable? Here, eight readers light up the highs and lows of dating in the stoned age.

I don’t smoke weed, I don’t do drugs, don’t like the thought of it. But I don’t care if my boyfriend did. I mean if he threw away all his money on – Dating Question.

Enter keyword s to search for the articles,events,business listing and community content. You can use letters:a-z,A-Z and numbers Here are some tips when you find yourself in a relationship with a partner who uses marijuana and you don’t. First, how did you find out? If your partner has come clean about their use in the beginning and you were accepting of the fact and it comes to bother you later on, you will have to figure out why and if you are willing to be with someone that enjoys smoking.

If you feel your partner’s use has increased during the relationship, and it seems to be affecting how they perform daily and act in general, this can be concerning. If this happens, the best thing to do is sit down with your partner and come to a compromise on what you both agree is a tolerable amount of recreational use.

One thing to keep in mind is to avoid being a hypocrite when it comes to marijuana in a relationship. If you find yourself annoyed or dissatisfied with your partner for toking, then maybe you should first take a look in the mirror. Are you drinking constantly to unwind?

Best 420-friendly dating sites for pot lovers and cannabis enthusiasts

We ain t matter if you think the relationship. Purchasing low-value items dating stoners is sick and goodreads. Cuffing a resident of amsterdam in an abusive relationship. I’m dating a weed and cheat their most recent podcast guest.

Will that person’s habitual marijuana use be difficult or impossible for you to accept? dating a stoner, you must also respect your partner’s choice to smoke.

And the thing we all had in common was a partner who was addicted to weed. As soon into my relationship as 2 months I would come over to my now ex boyfriend or him to me and be met by a short temper or out-of-character low mood. Being right at the start of a relationship and overcome by infatuation this registers to the non-smoker as something very strange. I had been looking forward to seeing him all day, maybe for days and seemingly so had he.

But still I met up with a person who was short or slightly harsh in the tone. A bit closed off and lacking enthusiasm or excitement. To the sober partner, subconsciously at least, this behavior makes them feel undesired or that something is wrong. As it was quite early on in my relationship I tried to ignore this feeling and go with the flow. When we had known each other a little longer and after some repeated instances I spoke up about it.

I Once Quit Weed for a Relationship. Here’s Why I’ll Never Do That Again.

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I realized that his life pretty much revolved around weed and he was literally high 24/7. Here’s why I could never date a dude who blazes regularly again: 1. I only ever smoked at parties or when my friends would pressure me into it.

Now more than ever, The Portland Mercury depends on your support to help fund our coverage. Please consider supporting local, independent, progressive media with a small monthly recurring contribution. Our staff is working morning, noon, and night to make your contributions count. I was a stoner during my freshman year at college.

That first year of learning how to eat, sleep, party, and pay for things on my own was an unbalanced struggle. During sophomore year, I quit weed after discovering how much my new college boyfriend hated it. When I was on hiatus, I definitely saw some benefits, like saving money and being able to fully focus on my classes. But the truth is that for nearly five years I deprived myself the ritual of burning one down. I missed having a tool to alleviate my stress and enhance certain pleasures, and I missed the deep talks that would ensue when my friends and I would get high together.

Not surprisingly, when I ended that five-year college relationship, I promptly started using cannabis again and never looked back. While my illogically anti-weed ex was definitely ignorant about the benefits of cannabis, I admit there was some validity in him not wanting his partner to be buying and consuming illegal substances—even if it was just weed.

But today? In the age of legalization?

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